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E&A Team's Multifamily Accessibility Design Requirments Under Federal Laws meets the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) QAP. It consists of three instructional modules and a comprehensive exam. Multifamily Accessibility Overview (ADA, 504, Fair Housing Act)  - 1 hour Multifamily Accessibility Requirements under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - 1.5 hours Multifamily Accessibility Requirements under the Fair Housing Act - 1.5 hours Upon successful completion of the course materials and exams, trainees will receive a certificate stating that they have had five hours of Multifamily Accessibility Design Requirements training that meets the OHFA QAP. Read more

E​&​A Team's Multifamily Accessibility Design Requirements Under Federal Laws and Texas Accessibility Code course was designed to meet the requirements for the Texas Department of Housing ​&​ Community Affair's (TDHCA) QAP. It consists of four instructional modules and a comprehensive exam. Multifamily Accessibility Overview (ADA, 504, Fair Housing Act)  - 1 hour Multifamily Accessibility Requirements under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - 1.5 hours Multifamily Accessibility Requirements under the Fair Housing Act - 1.5 hours Texas Accessibility Code Requirements - .5 hours Upon successful completion of the course materials and exams, trainees will receive a certificate stating that they have had five hours of Multifamily Accessibility Requirements training that meets the TDHCA QAP. Read more

No matter what affordable housing program you work with, each program requires owners and agents to do their due diligence when working with applicants to move them into affordable units, and with current tenants for continued program compliance requirements.   To demonstrate due diligence, a well-planned interview can be seen as a vital step in property management so that we can show and ensure that we move in eligible households for our programs. In addition, by asking the right questions and finding out information we can help ensure that households are paying the correct amount of rent depending on the program and that the right benefits go to the eligible persons/households.   To be successful in conducting interviews, one must have:    Effective tools for data collection and for communication with those to be interviewed, and   An interview methodology that is used by all staff who conduct interviews.   In this 90-minute recording of a live webinar, E&A Team’s, Tari Bradley, Housing Compliance Trainer, will review interview techniques that will help those in the site office pop the questions…the right questions to help  determine eligibility and maintain compliance.   Topics will include:   Using an interview plan as an effective way to ensure consistent results   Practical interview techniques   Common mistakes in interviewing   Interviewing persons with disabilities  Due to the allotted time frame, please note a full instruction of each area may not be available during this specific webinar but may be available in future webinars so please ensure you continue to check the E&A Team training calendar for future webinar dates, etc. Read more

Let’s face it. We’re all a little nervous when we find out there is going to be a file inspection conducted. Management begins reviewing the files and the associated paperwork in attempts to discover any noncompliances before the inspector comes.  But what happens when that one file is overlooked or maybe a noncompliance wasn’t discovered by management? How does the noncompliant unit affect the owner’s bottom line?  In this 90-minute session, Gary Kirkman, E&A Team’s Director of Compliance Training, will review how noncompliances can affect the LIHTC, HUD and Rural Development affordable housing programs. In addition, Gary will provide some practical tips to help management companies discover any potential errors before the file reviews occurs.  Attendees will have:  A better understanding of how common noncompliances can affect the various affordable housing programs.  A comprehensive course manual to aid staff in understanding noncompliance issues and some tips for conducting their own compliance reviews.  Topics will include:  Identifying Noncompliances  LIHTC Noncompliances  HUD Noncompliances  Rural Development Noncompliances Read more

In this half-hour presentation, attorney Sara McCue addresses the Violence Against Women Act (commonly called VAWA).  This is a topic of importance to covered housing providers:  Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Properties Certain multifamily rental housing under Section 221(d)(3) of the National Housing Act Multifamily rental housing under Section 236 of the National Housing Act HUD programs assisted under United States Housing Act of 1937 public housing under Section 6 of the 1937 Act Tenant-based and project-based rental assistance under Section 8 of the 1937 Act, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy  The Housing Trust Fund Read more

Este curso cubre todos los aspectos sobre los conceptos básicos de la vivienda justa en un formato nuevo e interactivo. Es fácil de entender y es perfecto para aquellos que son nuevos en la industria de las viviendas multifamiliares o para aquellos que han estado en viviendas multifamiliares por un tiempo, pero que necesitan un repaso sobre los conceptos básicos e información sobre los nuevos temas de las viviendas, o que necesitan un certificado que muestre que han completado su entrenamiento anual sobre la vivienda justa. Los principales temas cubiertos son los siguientes: Leyes de vivienda justa y discriminación Consecuencias de la discriminación Interactuando con los inquilinos y potenciales inquilinos Introducción a la accesibilidad Adaptaciones razonables y modificaciones razonables Acoso en la vivienda El curso finaliza con un examen final, y una vez que se completa el curso, los alumnos pueden imprimir sus propios certificados los cuales afirman que han completado tres horas de capacitación en línea sobre vivienda justa.   Este examen final consta de 50 preguntas de verdadero / falso y de opción múltiple. Puede tomar el examen tantas veces como sea necesario para aprobar. Read more

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