Any housing entity with 15 or more employees must have a 504 Coordinator, and they should be trained annually!
Join E&A Team's Chief Operations Officer, Josh Brown, for this 1.5 hour 504 Coordinator Training!
You will learn:
What is affordable housing?
Why is affordable housing important?
What Federal Laws concern accessibility?
What is Section 504?
How does Section 504 Apply to affordable housing properties?
Why are 504 Coordinators necessary?
What is the role of a 504 Coordinator?
What are the responsibilities of a 504 Coordinator?
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Section 504 Coordinator 1.5 Hours
Refunds must be requested by sending email to helpdesk@EandATeam.com
Refunds must be requested prior to taking the course exam.
NO REFUNDS will be issued for courses that are complete!
Refunds are issued back to the credit card used for payment and may take 5-7 business days to process.
Trainee/Purchaser Responsibility
Trainees and/or Purchasers of course for trainees are solely responsible for verifying that the course meets their needs and/or the training requirements of any company or agency BEFORE registering or purchasing.
Legal Disclaimer
E&A Team, Inc. provides information and consultation to the housing industry. E&A Team, Inc. is not engaged in the practice of law and cannot render legal advice. The information provided by E&A Team, Inc. should not be construed as legal advice to be applied to any specific factual situation. If legal advice is needed, users are urged to consult a competent attorney. E&A Team, Inc. makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. However, we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of herein and expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions in the contents of the information contained herein.
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