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Fair Housing:  A Way of Life, our most popular basic fair housing course, has been completely updated! The new version has a new look, new content, and is now narrated! We created this course to be easy to understand and it is perfect for those who are new to the multifamily housing industry or for those who have been in multifamily housing for a while but need a refresher on the basics and information on new housing topics.  It's the perfect course to provide a certificate showing that annual fair housing training has been completed! The Main Topics covered are: Fair Housing Overview (Federal Laws & Discrimination) Consequences of Discrimination Interacting with Tenants and Potential Tenants Reasonable Accommodations and Reasonable Modifications Harassment in Housing A thorough, downloadable fill-in-the-blanks workbook is included.  Once complete, it becomes a valuable study guide and reference. The course wraps up with a final exam, and once the course is completed, learners can print their own certificates which state they have completed three hours of online fair housing training. Read more

Join Scott Moore, fair housing attorney, for this video course on Fair Housing for Property Management.  Scott covers the following topics: Fair Housing Law Basics and How They Impact You Reasonable Accommodations Reasonable Modifications Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Harassment This is a three-hour video course.   It is divided into two one-and-a-half hour videos. It includes a downloadable full-color course handbook/desk reference.   There is no exam.  Videos must be watched in its entirety to complete the course and earn a three-hour fair housing training certificate.   Read more

In this interactive training, the learner takes on the role of a newly-hired tester and learns the basics of fair housing.  The "tester" is taught what to look for when evaluating properties for possible fair housing discrimination claims.  Once the learner knows what testers are looking for, they can apply the principles and knowledge they gained to their real-life role in property management! The course contains six instruction modules: Module 1:  Introduction to Testing, Laws, and Discrimination Module 2:  Enforcement Mechanisms and Remedies Module 3:  Interacting with Potential Tenants Module 4:  Introduction to Accessibility Requirements Module 5:  Reasonable Accommodation and Reasonable Modification Module 6:  Introduction to Harassment in Housing The course includes a downloadable comprehensive fill-in-the-blanks manual which once completed becomes an excellent desk reference for fair housing issues.  The manual's appendix includes important and valuable documents.   Once enrolled you will have six months unlimited access to the course.   You can take the course at your own pace -- start, stop, return later and resume where you left off. Upon successful completion of the course materials and the course exam (50 T/F and Multiple Choice Questions), you will be able to print your own Certificate stating that you have completed three hours of online fair housing training.   Read more

In this exciting training, the learner takes on the role of a newly-hired tester and learns the basics of fair housing.  The "tester" is taught what to look for when evaluating properties for possible fair housing discrimination claims.  Once the learner knows what testers are looking for, they can apply the principles and knowledge they gained to their real-life role in property management! The course contains six instruction modules: Module 1:  Introduction to Testing, Laws, and Discrimination Module 2:  Enforcement Mechanisms and Remedies Module 3:  Interacting with Potential Tenants Module 4:  Introduction to Accessibility Requirements Module 5:  Reasonable Accommodation and Reasonable Modification Module 6:  Introduction to Harassment in Housing The course includes a downloadable comprehensive fill-in-the-blanks manual which once completed becomes an excellent desk reference for fair housing issues.  The manual's appendix includes important and valuable documents.   You can take the course at your own pace -- start, stop, return later and resume where you left off. Upon successful completion of the course materials and the course exam (50 T/F and Multiple Choice Questions), you will be able to print your own Certificate stating that you have completed four hours of online fair housing training which meets OHFA's QAP for Owners, Managers & Site Personnel. Read more

Did you miss out on our 4th Annual Virtual Fair Housing & Accessibility Training?  Here's your chance to view it when it's convenient for you and at your own pace!  This ON-DEMAND Version also has ASL Interpretation by Deaf Services Unlimited Interpreters. Site personnel including managers, maintenance technicians, leasing agents and others are the front line for any management company, as they are the people who come into contact the most often with  tenants and the public. For this reason, it is important that they are properly trained and aware of Fair Housing and Accessibility requirements to ensure they appropriately meet the needs of tenants and properly represent the organization. E&A has partnered with Scott Moore, a highly experienced fair housing attorney who has worked with clients  and organizations throughout the country on the fair housing issues that matter to them to bring this detailed and informative training. In this four-hour recording of E&A Team's 4th Annual Virtual Fair Housing & Accessibility Training, Scott, along with Mark English, President of E&A Team, will dig deeper into the requirements of Fair Housing and accessibility topics specifically designed for property management personnel. Mark will cover topics: The Secret Language of Accessibility: Knowing the differences between "Accessible" units, "ADA" units, "504" units, "Covered" units, "Adaptable" units. How NOT knowing could cost you thousands. Virtual "walk about" around the typical multifamily property and share the most common issues that are found during an accessibility inspection. USDA RD updated Unnumbered Letter regarding accessibility (SENAT Plans) When contracting for a CNA on your property, the "MUST DO" accessibility items Common accessibility mistakes How does "Visitability" affect my property? What does "Universal Design" really mean for my property? What are the difference between "Accessible vs Usable" regarding common areas, kitchens, and bathrooms? Learn how Accessibility Tester Groups are more active now than ever before The latest enforcement actions by DOJ, HUD, and Accessibility Advocate groups Scott will cover topics: Protected Classes Reasonable Accommodation Service Animals vs Support Animals vs Unique Animals (The Big 3: Ponies, Pigs,  and Pit bulls) in Housing Sexual orientation/gender identity discrimination Religious accommodations Harassment / Hostile Environment The Violence Against Women Act Criminal Background Screening (how to develop a policy) HUD’s harassment regulations and liability for violating the regulations Which laws apply to your property?   Recent legal settlements regarding fair housing issues Effects of Covid-19 on fair housing Medical Marijuana Handling information related to a tenant’s disability And more! Read more

This 4.5 hour course taught by E&A Team's experts is designed for architects, contractors, 504 coordinators, apartment maintenance staff, job superintendents, subcontractors, attorneys, building code officials, compliance officers, and housing finance agency employees. Anyone who is interested in learning everything there is to know about the Accessibility Requirements for Multifamily Housing should take this vital course. Larry Fleming, E&A Team's Accessibility Specialist is an architect who retired from the USDA as a senior architect specializing in accessibility for the disabled, provides all the information you need to know about Section 504 and the ADA's requirements for accessibility. Scott P. Moore, Attorney-at-Law who is widely recognized as a national expert in ADA and Fair Housing Law provides his expertise and teaches all about the requirements for accessibility under the Fair Housing Act. This training was conducted live during our 4th Annual Accessibility Summit and is available now to everyone on demand. Read more

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